Cupping and Gua Sha

$100/60min.   $135/90min.

Service offered in your Portland, Oregon home.

Cupping and Gua Sha are ancient healing techniques from Asian culture. These tools have been used for thousands of years to break up physical adhesions, scar tissue and restrictions of the fascia as well as blockages within the energetic channels of the body. By freeing the body and energy channels through the modalities of cupping and gua sha, acute and chronic pain- as well as many other uncomfortable and oftentimes debilitating symptoms related to musculoskeletal dysfunctions and internal diseases- will likely reduced within one session and may even diminish all together when a few sessions. 

While cupping and gua sha share nearly identical healing benefits they work in the opposite direction when applied to the skin. Cupping creates inverted pressure (pulling and sucking) while gua sha is downward pressure (pushing and scraping) and brings relief in a unique way for each individual who receives. Neither tool will scratch or damage the surface of the skin, rather they have remarkable benefits for the skin in both look and texture.

Benefits of Cupping and Gua Sha

-Reduction in acute and chronic pain experienced in any area of the body.

-Increased mobility and range of motion in areas of the body where tensions, adhesions, scars, and various other injuries may reside.

-Detoxification of the lymphatic system.

-Detoxification of metabolic wastes stored in various organ systems within the body.

-Elimination of fluid build-up and puffiness.

-Boosts circulation of blood and fluids within the body.

-Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation state) by stimulating the vagus nerve.

-Reduces or eliminates migraines and headaches of varying kinds.

-Partial or complete release of scar tissue adhesions on the derma or within fascia at any level.

-Reduction or complete relief of trigger point activation.

-Reduction or complete freedom from pain.

-Release of metabolic wastes within lymph.

-Reduces cellulite and redistributes subcutaneous fat on the body for a smoother and even look and feel. Elimination of cellulite and reduction of subcutaneous fat is possible when used regularly over a period of time.

-Reduces and will eliminate fine lines and stretch marks when used over time.

A session with Misty Rose includes the use of silicone and BPA-free plastic cups with acupressure pointers, as well as jade stone gua sha. 

Silicone cups are used with the intention of offering both static and dynamic cupping simultaneously; either sitting up or laying down in various positions with the application of dynamic bodily movement in certain scenarios for greater results. 

BPA-free Plastic cups with acupressure pointers will be used in the case of place specific treatments for trigger point and acupressure therapy in both lying down or sitting up positions. Cups will remain static with the application of dynamic bodily movement for more effective results.

Jade gua sha for scraping is the stone of choice because it is an energetic neutralizer, meaning it does not carry energy from another session within its field. The latter is also beneficial when ran across the surface of the body with its ability to transform energy into a state of homeostasis. The stone also has a cooling effect which enhances the healing benefits of this modality.

What is Cupping?

Traditionally cup-shaped glass with the use of fire was used within treatments. These cups were used in a static way, meaning once set in a single location upon application this is where it would remain until removal. One or several cups were used at the same time during static cupping. Glass, silicone and BPA-free plastic cups are currently used in treatments.

Dynamic cupping, also known as gliding cupping with the application of oil on the skin, is when silicone cups are moved across the surface of the body. One or two cups will be moved at the same time during dynamic cupping. Static cups may be put in place during a dynamic cupping treatment.

Static cupping is used for release of fascia adhesions that lie within deeper layers of the body. Also used for trigger point and acupressure therapy.

What is Gua Sha?

Gua Sha is a scraping technique used upon the surface of the skin. Traditionally buffalo horn was fashioned and smoothed into a spatula shape to scrape as well as large soup spoons and coins. The way a tool was moved upon the skin varied between Asian households- oftentimes certain techniques kept secret amongst family lines as they took pride in how they uniquely wielded mundane items in a way that made them healing tools and the experience a healing art. Currently certain stones, buffalo horn, different composites of materials and steel are the most popular tools used for gua sha. Soup spoons and coins are still used in some households and villages around the world.